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cilento storm
Apocalypse in Italy! Historic storm left people homeless! Billions in losses in Europe!
Flood in Trapani, rescued minors trapped on a roof. Alarm also in Salento and Cilento
Italy now!Historic storm in Ponza brought life to a halt in the region!Live stream!
Italy is closed! Shocking footage of floods and storms! The whole world is praying for people!
Strong storm in Ponza! Shocking footage from Italy! Losses of millions of dollars due to bad weather
Dramatic Flash Flood Images in Agropoli, Salerno! Heavy Rains hit Agropoli! Italy - Alluvione
Maltempo, esondazioni in Cilento: l'acqua raggiunge i primi piani delle abitazioni
Bomba d'acqua nel Cilento, strade allagate a Castellabate
Nubifragio con tempesta di fulmini si abbatte sul Cilento - Lightning Storm in Cilento
Grocery Shopping In Cilento | Riding The Waves In Ascea
Spaventosa tromba d'aria spazza via l'abero nel Cilento